1. Background

In 2020, the NHS launched its campaign For a Greener NHS and commissioned an Expert Panel, to set out a practical, evidence-based and quantified path to a ‘net zero NHS’. This work, consisting of a national consultation with patients and staff, and engagement from across the NHS, culminated in the publication of the report ‘Delivering a Net Zero National Health Service’.

Underpinning this work, is an understanding that climate change undermines the core foundations of good health, contributing to cardiovascular disease, asthma, and cancer. Furthermore, action to tackle climate change also reduces the burden of disease from air pollution, obesity, and poor diet whilst directly addressing health inequalities experienced across the country.

PHL Synaptik are based in central Scotland and deliver NHS commissioned services across the UK and British Isles. After navigating both the pandemic of Covid-19 and post Brexit challenges, the business was acquired by PHL Group Ltd in April 2022.

PHL Group successfully gained ISO 14001 accreditation across all divisions, including PHL Synaptik in February 2024.

Due to the differing scope of business delivered across the group, PHL Synaptik currently prepare their own Carbon Reduction Plan In line with the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, under the Operational Control Approach. PHL Synaptik accounts for 100 percent of the GHG emissions over which it has operational control. We are currently working towards full group alignment.

2. Baseline Emissions Footprint

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured. Due to the outline above we have chosen the financial year 2023/24 as our baseline.

3. Scope and Measurement

As part of PHL Synaptik’s environmental footprint strategy, we will measure, minimise and report on the firm’s environmental footprint, including undertaking annual measurement.

PHL Synaptik’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will be calculated in line with the GHG Protocol and the methodology used follows best practices.

· Scope 1 encompasses direct emissions, including those associated with the direct consumption of natural gas, heating oil, and diesel fuel as well as the emissions associated with owned and leased vehicles and fugitive emissions. Scope 1 emissions are mainly calculated based on volumes of consumed fuels in each region of operations.

· Scope 2 encompasses indirect emissions, including those associated with the purchase and consumption of local electricity and distinct heating energy. Scope 2 emissions are mainly calculated based on volumes of purchased and consumed electricity and heating energy in each region of operations.

· Scope 3 encompasses other indirect emissions, such as business travel, emissions from extraction of fuels and production of purchased goods and services (including cloud services and video conferencing), vehicles not owned or controlled, outsourced activities, employee commuting (including teleworking), and waste disposal. Scope 3 emissions are mainly calculated based on mileage (air travel and ground transportation), stay duration (hotels), energy consumption (upstream emissions from purchased fuels and electricity), spend (purchased goods and outsourced activities), technology usage (cloud services and video conferencing), estimates of employee travel and home energy consumption (employee commuting and teleworking), and industry benchmarks (waste disposal).

PHL Synaptik have already started on their journey in our aim to reduce our carbon footprint:

· By achieving accreditation to ISO 14001, an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for an environmental management system. It helps organisations improve their environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste.

· By developing a framework to evaluate carbon reduction associated with new models of care being considered and implemented including looking at the use of technology to offer remote services where possible.

· By working with our suppliers to ensure that all of them meet or exceed our commitment on net zero emissions including reviewing these are part of contract negotiations.

· By committing to recycling initiatives wherever possible across our services including installing multiple recycling points in our estate and working with carefully selected third party contractors.

· By working with a waste management company that takes nothing from our shared offices to landfill using Materials Recovery Facilities (MRF) and disposing of food waste at an Anaerobic Digestion Facility (ADF).

· By working towards reduced emissions in facilitating hybrid working and other strategies to reduce travel to work including cycle to work schemes and car sharing. We actively encourage the use of Meeting and Collaborative software, such as Teams or the management of meetings, in order to avoid unnecessary travel.

· By reviewing business processes which reduce the impact on our carbon footprint including a ‘no-print’ model across the organisation, clear signage re powering off lights and electricals

· By working with our landlord to continuously explore green options. PHL Synaptik do not own estate and currently lease space within a shared facilities office. As of October 2024, there are works being carried out onsite to facilitate the installation of solar panels, a green initiative that underscores our commitment to environmental sustainability. By harnessing renewable solar energy, we reduce reliance on fossil fuels, lower carbon emissions, and decrease our overall energy costs.

· By supporting green initiatives in communities including litter picking, charitable fund raising for initiatives and reforestation.

Baseline Year: 2023/24

Carbon emissions for Baseline Year 2023/24 are as follows:

ScopeTotal (TCO2e)
1. PHL Synaptik does not own any property, vehicles or fossil fuel burning equipment.0.00
2. Includes the rented office space utilities in a shared building.14.30
3. Includes Business Travel and Employee Commuting
Category 6: Business Travel
Category 7: Employee Commuting

Total Emissions – Scopes 1,2,3330.85

4. Our Ongoing Commitment

PHL Synaptik are committed to achieving net zero for emissions we control by 2040, and those we influence by 2045, to align with the NHS target. We believe the initiatives above, together with our ISO accreditation- on which we will be audited, serve as the first steps on this journey. We will continue to measure all emissions across the organisation whilst simultaneously seeking alternate green initiatives where appropriate.

As a group, our Community Committee are working on an updated and comprehensive ESG policy enabling all our stakeholders to evaluate our sustainability and ethical impact ensuring as an organisation we are accountable and resilient.

At the heart of our mission and values is a commitment to addressing environmental challenges and reducing social inequalities. We are dedicated to upholding the NHS Greener principles and the Social Value Model, aiming to improve health outcomes for the NHS while offering essential support to our local communities.

5. Declaration

When working with or bidding for government or public sector contracts, organisations are required to submit or comply with a PPN 06/21 report. PHL Synaptik has prepared this report in line with these requirements.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocols and uses the appropriate emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting.

Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements. Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain based on the principles of relevance, completeness, consistency, transparency, and accuracy

Signed: PHL Synaptik Managing Director:


https://ghgprotocol.org/standards-guidance https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5de6acc4e5274a65dc12a33a/Env-reporting-guidance_inc_SECR_31March.pdf

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01383 630740

PHL Synaptik Office

Buchan House, Carnegie Campus, Enterprise Way, Dunfermline KY11 8PL